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SRD-V2 Stingray Drive

Prop Thrust Angle Adjustment

Angling the prop up will lift the front of your boat, generally resulting in less hull in the
water and faster speed. Angling the prop too high though will cause instability and the
prop may "ventilate" or spin without gripping because it's too close to the surface.


Angling the prop down will lift the back of the boat and keep more hull in the water ­
generally giving more stable running but with less speed.


Trying different prop angles will find the one that works best for your boat in different water conditions. To start with, set the SRD-V2 drive at straight angle see how the boat runs, then according to its performance, you can try to adjust the thrust angle up or down at just one or two degree a time to see what effect it has, and try again until it reaches the performance result of your satisfication.


Side-To-Side Angle Adjustment


The side-to-side angle adjustmnet gives you unparalleled ability to tune your boat for optimum performance, with control over both the ride angle of the hull and of directional trim – which is especially useful when counter-acting the higher torque effect of today’s more powerful engines. Different props create varying torque effects too, and now it’s easy with the SRD-V2 drive to adjust the required side-thrust angle for the best results with any particular prop.


Normally when install a standard version of stinger surface drive to a mono hull, we have to install it about 4mm offset to the right side from center line of the transom to compensate the torque from the engine in order to have the boat running better at straight line. but with SRD-V2 stingary drive, you just simply install the drive at center line of the transom, then adjust the drive 2-3 degree to the right side, then see how the boat runs, and make further adjustment until reach the optimum performance result.

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